Wiener Blut relaunch
I have been contemplating this for a while, and I decided it was time to relaunch my book, Wiener Blut, in order to be able to move forward with the series. There will be some re-branding going on and new eBook and paperback versions. Wiener Blut Book 1 will get a new name and the […]
Wiener Blut reading on June 16
I am happy to announce that I will give a reading of Wiener Blut on June 16 at 7.30 PM (local time) at
Wiener Blut eBook!
The podcast version of the book has three episodes remaining until the story comes to a close, but if you want to find out what happens before then, I’m delighted to announce that the eBook version of the story is now available. The original text of the podcast has been fine-tuned and given another round […]

Wiener Blut on PodioRacket!
The latest episode of the Podioracket podcast includes an interview about Wiener Blut being included on the podiobooks.com website. I chatted with Brian Rathbone for about ten minutes about the story, podcasting and various other topics. The interview can be found about halfway through the episode. [audio:http://media.podiobooks.com/podioracket/Podioracket-Ep44.mp3]

Wiener Blut on Podiobooks.com!
We are pleased to announce that ‘Wiener Blut’ is now available at Podiobooks.com http://www.podiobooks.com/title/wiener-blut/ If you’ve already been listening to the story, please feel free to comment on the podiobooks site, as well as on iTunes. Podiobooks provides a custom feed, so you can choose how regularly you receive each episode; their feed provides just […]

Wiener Blut on Podiobooks.com !
Wiener Blut will be released on Podiobooks.com on February 25 from 12:00! Join the Facebook Event that was created for the occasion at: Wiener Blut, February 25, 2011

Podcast Launch!
The podcast version of WIENER BLUT will launch this Sunday, December 12, 2010 !! The links to RSS, iTunes, etc. will be announced as soon as I get them all together :)
Welcome to Wiener Blut
What started as a NaNoWriMo project, has grown into a novel and shall soon be a podcast as well… Since the design isn’t complete yet, this website is still under construction. Until then, follow me on Twitter for the newest updates on the book, podcast and everything else around it… @Wiener__Blut … Katharina