A Very Gary Christmas – Dec 24 (Part 2)
December 24th – Weihnachten / Christmas Eve (Part 2) When all the Christmas carols were sung and everyone was exhausted, it was finally time for presents. It was always the most stressful part of Christmas, having the kids eat their dinner and sing the songs with the presents piled up in the room, within view. […]
A Very Gary Xmas eBook!
A Very Gary Christmas is available on Dec 25, as eBook for all your devices! Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk / Amazon.de / Amazon.fr Smashwords

A Very Gary Christmas – Dec 3
December 3rd “Hello Anton, nice to see you; come in, come in,” Ludwig cheerfully greeted the old man who stood at the door. He led him straight into the warm farmhouse kitchen, where a wood-burning stove heated the whole room and most of the rest of the house as well. “Ludwig, I need your help,” […]
A Very Gary Christmas – Dec 2
December 2nd Gary sat next to the goat pen and stared at his friends. He knew he was still a goat, but being able to talk to Ludwig had slowly changed him. Less and less he understood them and their wishes and desires. He was still very much into girl goats and food, particularly the […]

A Very Gary Christmas – Dec 1
December 1st “If it is snowing now, I’m sure it will all be gone by Christmas,” Gary complained. “Are you telling me you’re superstitious?” Ludwig looked at his goat, his eyebrow raised. “Have you never noticed it?” “Noticed what?” “Well, you know, I want a white Christmas, but we barely ever get them anymore,” the […]