Wiener Blut on PodioRacket!
The latest episode of the Podioracket podcast includes an interview about Wiener Blut being included on the website. I chatted with Brian Rathbone for about ten minutes about the story, podcasting and various other topics. The interview can be found about halfway through the episode. [audio:]
Wiener Blut on !
Wiener Blut will be released on on February 25 from 12:00! Join the Facebook Event that was created for the occasion at: Wiener Blut, February 25, 2011
Title Song – Es wird scho glei dumpa
As you might have seen on the MUSIC page, the title song of Wiener Blut is an old Austrian Christmas song. Since Christmas is in 2 days in Austria, I thought I’d share it with you – with singing and all. ENJOY! and MERRY CHRISTMAS! [audio:] Direct Download RSS Subscribe on iTunes