NEW The Confectioner’s Dragon (Wiener Blut 3)
Written by Katharina Bordet Legends long forgotten will catch up with you. Wien is covered by a thick layer of snow, yet on the mountain that rises above it, the grass is still green and the ground still warm. With local scientists puzzled, Queen Lily heads out for an adventure to discover what is going […]

At the Alt Wien
The Coffee Legacy has found a home in THE roast / café – the Alt Wien :) The beans that are the star of the cover (and get me through the day) and the café that inspired one of the main locations. You can now buy signed copies of the book and bags of their […]

The Coffee Legacy Paperback
After rereleasing the eBook and writing on the sequel, it is now time to bring out the new paperback version of The Coffee Legacy. Thanks to my husband’s help with the formatting, I was able to get a proof copy which I’m really happy with. The paperback is already available on Amazon and Createspace and […]
Wiener Blut reading on June 16
I am happy to announce that I will give a reading of Wiener Blut on June 16 at 7.30 PM (local time) at

Review on “View from Valhalla”
Most of you know Odin1Eye because of his podcast novel review blog “View from Valhalla“. Some, also because of his role of Paul Rauch in “Wiener Blut”. Every Monday he reviews finished podcast fiction novels and today, it was my turn! Podcast Review #73: Wiener Blut Check it out yourself and see what he has […]
Wiener Blut is COMPLETE!
With Episode 18 of Wiener Blut released today, the main novel is COMPLETE! The last episode has also dropped on Podiobooks and the book’s status has been set to “completed” as well. That doesn’t mean that there will be no new content on the feed. Whereas on Podiobooks, only the pure novels are released, on […]
Wiener Blut eBook!
The podcast version of the book has three episodes remaining until the story comes to a close, but if you want to find out what happens before then, I’m delighted to announce that the eBook version of the story is now available. The original text of the podcast has been fine-tuned and given another round […]

Wiener Blut on Podiobooks.com!
We are pleased to announce that ‘Wiener Blut’ is now available at Podiobooks.com http://www.podiobooks.com/title/wiener-blut/ If you’ve already been listening to the story, please feel free to comment on the podiobooks site, as well as on iTunes. Podiobooks provides a custom feed, so you can choose how regularly you receive each episode; their feed provides just […]

Wiener Blut on Podiobooks.com !
Wiener Blut will be released on Podiobooks.com on February 25 from 12:00! Join the Facebook Event that was created for the occasion at: Wiener Blut, February 25, 2011